26th February, 2025
The Framework of Actions, developed within the framework of the EU Audiovisual Social Dialogue Committee by employers’ and workers’ organisations, takes stock of existing diversity and inclusion initiatives and maps the way forward.
The Framework for Action on Diversity and Inclusion complements the Framework for Action on Gender Equality, which was adopted by the European social partners in 2011 and was updated in 2023.
16th February, 2025
BFCTC representing Lithuanian producers joins FIAPF
FIAPF is pleased to announce the Baltic Film & Creative Tech Cluster (BFCTC) as a new member. Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, BFTCC is a vibrant community of over 120 production companies dedicated to defending the interests of Lithuanian producers of all audiovisual formats and to strengthening global and regional networks
30th November, 2024
FIAPF and the Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) announce New Zealand actor and producer Cliff Curtis as recipient of the 2024 FIAPF Award
Gold Coast, Australia
Each year, during the APSA ceremony, FIAPF presents their Award for Outstanding Achievement in Film to a filmmaker from the Asia Pacific region who strongly contributes to the development of our sector at national, regional and international levels.
The Award celebrates Cliff Curtis’ impressive career which was built on demanding choices to both New Zealand and international films, whilst recognizing his strong commitment to screen storytelling that truly speaks to all audiences, including through his personal support of filmmakers from New Zealand’s indigenous communities.
The FIAPF Award for Outstanding Contribution to Film in the Asia Pacific Region was remitted at the 17th Ceremony of the Asia Pacific Screen Awards that took place on 30th November, 2024 on Australia’s Gold Coast.
30th August, 2024
Florence Girot joins back as Festivals Senior Director of FIAPF
Bern, Switzerland
Florence Girot joins back the International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF) as Festivals Senior Director. The appointment is effective as of 2nd September 2024. Florence had served as Festivals Director of FIAPF from 2017 to 2022.
More on the press release
Photo: David Fisher/Shutterstock Editorial
9th July, 2024
IMPPA and SIFCC representing Indian producers join FIAPF
The FIAPF is pleased to announce the Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association (IMPPA) and the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce (SIFCC) as new members. Based in Mumbai and Chennai respectively, IMPPA and SIFCC have a long history of supporting Indian cinema.
1st February, 2024
EU Artificial Intelligence Act: time to put pen to paper
FIAPF cosigns with more than 200 organisations representing the creative copyrighted-based sector a call on the EU Member States to show global leadership and approve the EU AI Act on 2nd February 2024.
See the call here
13th December, 2023
EU Geo-Blocking Regulation: the European Parliament votes in favour of preserving cultural diversity in film and audiovisual production in Europe
FIAPF wishes to thank those Members of the European Parliament who voted earlier today in favour of preserving cultural diversity and an healthy and vibrant film and audiovisual production and distribution sector in Europe.
FIAPF approaches the upcoming review of the EU Geo-Blocking Regulation with a clear indication from the European Parliament that the single market and access of consumers to audiovisual services cannot be built at the expense of the fundamental principles that underpin the ability of our sector to raise production financing and work with dedicated distribution partners.
See the Joint Industry Statement and FIAPF’s position paper
11th December, 2023
FIAPF with 700+ other film / audiovisual operators call Members of the European Parliament to #Vote4Culture on 13 December, 2023
Ahead to a crucial vote at the European Parliament, 700+ companies, trade associations, trade unions, festivals, markets from the film and audiovisual sector recalls that geo-blocking is pivotal to finance, co-produce, distribute and market film and other audiovisual productions within the EU.
Signatories call for a report previously approved by the Internal Market and Consumers’ Protection (IMCO) Committee of the European Parliament to be amended accordingly by Members of the European Parliament on 13 December, 2023.
See the Joint Industry Statement and FIAPF’s position paper on the IMCO Committee Report
17th October, 2023
FIAPF and APSA announce Singaporean producer Jeremy Chua as recipient of the 2023 FIAPF Award
The Award will celebrate Jeremy Chua’s outstanding contribution as a producer backing a new generation of filmmakers from Asia and collaborating with financial partners and talents from the region to bring audacious stories to the screens thriving on the international circuit.
The FIAPF Award for Outstanding Contribution to Film in the Asia Pacific Region will be remitted at the 16th Ceremony of the Asia Pacific Screen Awards to take place on 3rd November, 2023 on Australia’s Gold Coast.
More information here
1st September, 2023
FIAPF's 90th Anniversary : Looking Ahead
With La Biennale di Venezia and Venice Production Bridge, FIAPF hosts a panel session entitled “Environmentally sustainable production : the new competitive advantage ?” on 4th September, 2023
Full information here
21st July, 2023
Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France) to receive FIAPF accreditation from 2024
FIAPF announces the accreditation of Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival.
The accreditation is effective from the 2024 edition of the festival which will take place from 2nd to 10th February 2024.
Read the press release.
4th July, 2023
SPA and Australian producers return to FIAPF
FIAPF welcomes SPA -Screen Producers Association as a member from 1st July, 2023.
SPA is the peak Australian industry and trade body representing and supporting the interests of over 800 companies, both large and small, in their production of screen stories across all genres and formats.
10th May, 2023
The delegation of 2023 Stories x Women is announced !
FIAPF congratulates women animators from Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Malaysia and Turkey selected to participate to the 2023 Stories x Women programme. The programme will include a mentorship programme and pitching opportunities during the upcoming Annecy Festival and MIFA
See today press release
Stories x Women is a programme co-organised by FIAPF and WIA
21st April, 2023
Green production in Europe : FIAPF joins other industry partners in developing tools to accompany the green transition
After two years of research, a website providing guidance and references to accompany European production companies in the process of producing with carbon footprint in mind in the EU is launched.
The website includes a database of initiatives in Europe and a booklet developed by an experts group.
This project is developed by FIAPF, CEPI, EBU, FIA, FIM and UNI MEI.
13th March, 2023
AQPM - Association Québécoise de la Production Médiatique joins FIAPF
FIAPF announces AQPM as a new member from 2023.
Established in Montreal, AQPM represents more than 160 production companies operating from Quebec (Canada).

9th March, 2023
Fantastic Fest (Austin, USA) to receive FIAPF accreditation from 2023
FIAPF announces the accreditation of Fantastic Fest as a competitive festival specialised in horror, fantasy, sci-fi and action film.
The accreditation is effective from the 2023 edition of the festival to take place in Austin, Texas (USA) from 21st to 28th September, 2023.
Read the press release.

2nd March, 2023
2023 Stories x Women programme : Call for Application is launched today
FIAPF and WIA are proud to confirm the second edition of Stories x Women.
The programme supports access to international opportunities for stories told by women animators from emerging national film and audio-visual animation communities of Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America.
The Call for Application is launched today with full details in the Guidelines and the Application Form.
Deadline for applications is 24th March, 2023

18th October, 2022
Charlotte Hurni appointed FIAPF Festivals Director
Bern, Switzerland

24th June, 2020
How to navigate the future of European and global copyright?
FIAPF speaks at the panel session organised by the Marché du Film to tackle on the merits of a new copyright framework and its supporting infrastructure.
Cannes, France

23rd June, 2020
The audiovisual sector in the time of COVID-19
June 2020 – the pandemic stopped or postponed most shootings across the globe, closed cinemas and creates massive uncertainties for the entire value chain of the film and TV sector, their creative partners and all those working for the sector or as suppliers. FIAPF responds to the invitation of the European Audiovisual Observatory to share how the crisis affects the production segment of the industry and what is expected from policy makers in terms of relief and stimulus measures.
Cannes, France
Past Interventions
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Subtitle 2
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Subtitle 3
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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.