Local stories for local economies and jobs
Whether mature or emerging, film and TV production industries at national level need some key legislative conditions in order to thrive.
These businesses mobilize high- risk investment and a wide range contributors during production processes usually lasting months, if not years. While financially risky, film and TV production is strategically essential, bringing good jobs for young people and telling national stories on both national and international screens.

Copyright framework
A global Copyright framework fit for purpose.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation is at the core of the global debate around the optimal conditions for the film and TV production industry to contribute further to the overall challenge of securing global economic sustainability, skilled jobs and cultural diversity to the benefit of citizens.
FIAPF is an active NGO at WIPO.

Technological innovation
We are also at the cutting of technological innovation. Compelling content is a key driver for the tech industry. 80% of all internet traffic is video. Audiovisual content fueled the development of the internet as an every-day technology as well as the development of the tech sector. The Internet Governance Forum initiated by the UN is the leading international forum of exchange around tomorrow’s internet. FIAPF is an active stakeholder at the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum promoting the importance of local audiovisual content as a key driver for a responsible development of the internet to the benefit of all its stakeholders, including users.

Economic sustainability
Economic sustainability is securing investments in film and TV production as well as recoupment of production investments. Policy-makers’ legislative and regulatory decisions may incentivize – or disincentivize ! – the ability of the production sector to raise the substantial investments required to produce films and TV programmes, as well as the possibility of recouping such investments when moving to distribution on multiple screens at home and abroad. FIAPF is an active voice for producers to educate decision-makers on the complex economic realities of the film and television sector and to inform policy debates at global, regional / European and national levels.
Copyright framework
A global Copyright framework fit for purpose. The World Intellectual Property Organisation is at the core of the global debate around the optimal conditions for the film and TV production industry to contribute further to the overall challenge of securing global economic sustainability, skilled jobs and cultural diversity to the benefit of citizens. FIAPF is an active NGO at WIPO.
Technological innovation
We are also at the cutting of technological innovation. Compelling content is a key driver for the tech industry. 80% of all internet traffic is video. AV content fuelled the development of the internet as an every-day technology as well as the development of the tech sector. The Internet Governance Forum initiated by the UN is the leading international forum of exchange around tomorrow’s internet. FIAPF is an active stakeholder at the IGF promoting the importance of local audiovisual content as a key driver for a responsible development of the internet to the benefit of all its stakeholders, including users.
Economic sustainability
Economic sustainability is securing investments in film and TV production as well as recoupment of production investments. Policymakers’ legislative and regulatory decisions may incentivize – or disincentivize ! – the ability of the production sector to raise the substantial investments required to produce films and TV, as well as the possibility of recouping such investments when moving to distribution on multiple screens at home and abroad. Unfortunately, policymakers often misunderstand the basic economic realities of film and television production and distribution. FIAPF is an active voice for producers to educate decisionmakers and inform policy debates at global, regional / European and national levels.